Five years ago I was cleaning the shelf in the lobby where daddy kept all his stuffs; from books to documents, CDs, files etc. When I found a book I was seeing for the first time, it was strange because I had read every book in the house except, of course, this one.
The minute I touched it and read the name “Tough times never last but tough people do.” A tear fell down from my eyes.

It was like a word from heaven. In fact it was a gift from God because it was exactly 8 months after daddy’s death and two others as well. My life was a total mess and it was like a candy to me to bring back my smile and will to truly live.
But it was was more too…
I went further to open the book
And the next page…the next page broke me…it broke me completely.

My name “EBUBECHUKWU CHIKA JONAH” was boldly written on it in daddy’s beautiful handwriting I loved so much.
Seeing it brought me to tears
Because i just realized he had bought the book for me.
He bought it for me guys…
He bought that book as a gift for me.
But I never received it…I never got it…I never knew. I fell down and cried uncontrollably.
Maybe…maybe he didn’t have a chance to give it to me or maybe he forgot.
But one thing was for sure. Finding that book at that time was not a coincidence. It was God directing me to the final gift from my dad that would change my life and stop me from destroying myself from grief.
It was Daddy telling me “Ebubechukwu, its time you rise above this. You are a tough girl and no tough situation should ruin your life.”
And I embraced this book like life itself. I read each page in tears, in brokenness, in pain and in denial and as I flipped through each page, my crumbled faith began to rebuild, my mood began changing, my declarations changed for the better and finally I rose with the understanding that only tough people last regardless of the worst and evil challenge ever experienced. Only tough people survive.
I can’t enjoy this gift alone. I don’t think I can give this copy book to anyone since its my Dads final gift to me. But I can give you this book in digital. I purchased an E-copy years back and I want to share it with you.
With all my blessings prayers and Gods power. It would help heal you and motivate you to rise in life.
I have no doubt that it will.
Just read it.
As you download your copy. Please share your journey and experience with this book with me by sending me a mail or reaching me on any of my social media handles.
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Have a good read.
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