The alarm rang at 5am sharp but I was up by 4:42am this morning. Sometimes i hate the sound of my alarm because it can even wake the dead from the grave…but other times I’m glad, because its my life saver.
I left for the bakery immediately, fifteen minutes past five I was there, welcomed with a crowd again, after rejoicing that I was on time today and was going to be among the first people to buy…I couldn’t help but remember school days in Madonna University.
Where I had been pushed and I had pushed all in the name of leaving school on bank exeat. You struggle to get the permission, you still struggle to leave too. Everything was a struggle. Yet we relied on the hope that soon, after school it would all be over…but that was just another fantasy. The struggle never ends…
Here i was in the bakery being pushed yet again… hahaha
By 6:15 I was back from the bakery, had my bath, laid on the bed and had my morning prayer and study, slept off for another 40mins and woke up ready for work. Did a little preparation in the kitchen for today’s cooking and left.
I was welcomed at work with a shit load of work this morning, finished off and had a little break by 11am, So i ate while watching an episode of “Cursed” show for one hour and began writing.

I wrote for almost two hours, by few mins to two I decided to stop and rest a little, then I gisted with my colleagues and resumed writing again by 1:15pm
Its 5:40pm and I’m still writing! Whoop!! I’ve successfully written two articles today and my IG post for today.
I’m looking at my collegue and I can’t stop laughing at her, she is just sitting there quietly, because there’s no movie to watch…the girl just likes movie. Not more than me though.
Thank God work was not much today. Its almost time to head home and I was invited by the rain again today. Portharcourt is just the home of rain.
Its 6:25pm and I’m home, this is where I’m going to put the pen down for today. I’m already pecieving the aroma coming from the kitchen…gosh! I can’t wait to enjoy this Egusi soup. So after eating I’ll be at mummy’s shop selling, browsing, reading mails, replying DMs, chats, comments and, editing and publishing this post at intervals. Exactly what I’ll be doing till 12midnight.

Thank you for reading. You just went through every detail of how my day was spent today.
Clap a big hand for yourself.
Why did I do this? You may ask…Well,
I wanted to try journalling and documenting my life, more than that, I wanted to figure out what part of my life, took the most time and attention from me.
With everything you just read you should know the answer to that.
Over time I’ve realized the importance of keeping journals. Its like a mirror to what you did, do and is still doing, to what mattered to you at one point in your life, to look back and see your growth, your victorys, your mistakes. Sometimes even your hidden dreams, your thoughts, your reactions. Everything. To look at the present and see where you stand.
Its like a second chance to look again and take a glance at what could be given a new opportunity to relive. To see if you’re still on your true path or if you’ve drifted away.
The past may be the past but the past is what brings us to the future.
Journaling fosters connection with yourself. Your thoughts, your actions and reactions.
Journaling mirrors your experience and births a story from each experience. A story worth telling.
You can start with these journalling ideas;
- Thoughts journal
- Life journal
- Travel journal
- Study journal
- Writing journal
- Plans/goals journal
- Even the kind of journaling I did today as well.
So don’t wait to start journaling. The best way to start is to just start.
With everything I just shared you can see that what takes all my time and attention is exactly what I love doing so I’m so glad and happy. At least my day may be boring but it sure wasn’t empty.
na wa, so no guy even asked me out today…
Your turn.
Tell me every single detail you can remember about today.
And what part of your day took the most time and attention?
Do you think journaling is something you’ll start doing?
Share in the comment
Remember today is all about you.
Nice one…..
Thank you girl. Thanks for stopping by. Love xoxo
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