This month started like every other month and ended as a November month of gratitude.

I’d never forgive myself if I went into the next month without sharing the beautiful memories and blessings God bestowed on me this November.
Let me share a little of them with you, shall we?
I started this month just doing my thing without caring less about other things that didn’t have to do with me or anything that wasn’t in my schedule. Yet, something happened along the line while I was living my boring life. Clarity. Everything I kept doing; which were still things I normally did everyday gave me a clearer picture of my purpose and career path. Like magic, it would hit me when I talked to someone, or when I was writing or running my business. Another confirmation would slap me on the face, assuring me that, girl you’re on the right track.
Ever experienced this?
You cannot imagine how beautiful that experience made me feel. I’ve seen first hand how moving and working so hard without clear goals and vision can be so detrimental and frustrating. So it was truly a blessing. One I’m very grateful for. So believe me when I say this is a November month of gratitude. And I’m just getting started…. winks
Oh Yes! For someone who’s birthday was like every other day; boring, dead phone, staring at the wall, stomach worms crying, empty bank account, no vibes, few calls etc. This time, it was explosive. A big blast. It was pure vibes. In fact, I started receiving alert from few days before. I had to check my mail if my eyes were deceiving me. laughs Then the prayers that drove me to tears, the calls that melted my heart, the surprises that left me in awe, and the lots of good food that relegated me to the toilet for days haha The mind blowing part was how healthy I’ve been in my adult years. No sickness, life threatening injuries or diseases, no taking of meds. Nothing. I have been blessed with divine health only few people get to enjoy. It’s a November month of gratitude for the best Scorpio birthday experience I’ve ever had. And now to the best part…
Gods Love
Where do I even begin with on this one? I cannot begin to quantify the amount of battles I’ve fought at work, the temptations I’ve faced trying to uphold my character and faith, the risks I’ve taken for my business, the rough decisions I’ve made to make more money and put food on my table, my carelessness, my mistakes, my bad decisions, and above all my spiritual coldness in the past month due to pressure from every side. Yet, the only thing God has done is embrace me in his loving arms and show me how much he loves me. Damn! I’m tearing up right now because loving him, believing in him and submitting my all to him is and will always be the best decision I’ve ever made. And I see and feel his love everyday. I’ve not been in my best behavior, neither have I spent so much time with him as I should have. So how does he love me so much? I sometimes ask myself.
As an answer to my question, his word reminds me that his very nature is love. He exists to love. Which is why he has given me more blessings this month than I could ever fathom. Mehn! I’m counting those blessings. Each and every one. Every thing I did fell on pleasant places even when I thought I saw some fall on rocky grounds he still made it all perfect in his time. I have never been more grateful. The world doesn’t need to see the six zeros in my account to know, they don’t need to see my huge pocket, they don’t need to see me wear the best cloths to know. They only have to hear me speak, and feel how much my heart beats for only him. This is truly a November month of gratitude for me, with many reasons to be eternally grateful.

So my question is: Why isn’t it one for you?
If everything I just shared doesn’t make you jump for the little things you have in your life right now, then I don’t know what will.
Its so coincidental that as i am writing this, America is celebrating Thanksgiving today. You get to see a full bowl of tasty, salted, roasted turkey placed at the center of the table with a large number of happy faces of friends and family with folded hands held together to give thanks and reminisce on why they should give thanks. A tradition I admire so much and wish Africans, particularly Nigerians would join in upholding.
Let me leave you with this:
Give thanks not because you have it all figured out. But because you know it can be figured out with the gift of time. The gift of the simplest things is big enough to be grateful for. Not because there is no negativity but because the positive times would get you through the negative times.
I don’t know about you but I’m going to remember this November for a really long time. My November month of gratitude
You’ve heard mine. Your turn; What are you grateful for? Share with me in the comment. As we share this light of gratitude with others in this November month of gratitude.
Ever tried a November gratitude challenge? Click here to see how
I told a great story on Faith here
I’m grateful for friends, family and relationships generally, having the right people around me have been one the best things that happened to me this year.
I couldn’t agree more with you. The gift of family and friends have been a blessing to mankind. One that makes your journey in life soothing, void of loneliness and isolation. Thank you for sharing this with us John. I’m so grateful for you. You are a big part of my journey towards clarity. Hugs xoxo
Chika! I’m so happy for your evolution for the month of November! I too am feeling blessed and grateful for all the blessing around me. November has also transformed me in ways I never could of imagined. I’m am so thankful! 💚✨
Awww. ❤ Thank you Kay. I’m happy for you. I give God praise for the transformation and damn girl, I’m personally thanking God for that glow and smile I keep seeing on your face. Thank you for stopping by. Much love Kay ❤
November indeed a month of gratitude and a month of greatness, firstly November is my month of Birth, during my birthday on the 4 ever since I was born till wen I started knowing what is birthday gift, dis year was boom, birthday gifts and alert den I was like God who are mine that thou are mindful of.. To the glory of God this month was a blessed month for me, and so will December be to the glory of Almighty God Amen… Thanks Chi for giving me opportunity to let the world know the goodness of God to me… God is too faithful to fail us, he is good and his mercy endures forever.. Thanks Chi jonah
Oh wow! See the way I’m smiling reading this. You share the same testimony with me. God has truly been faithful to us this month. I’m grateful to God on your behalf. God bless you my dear. More to come. Hugs xoxo
I’m grateful for life , clarity (also), sense of purpose, strength & wisdom to fight for my future. This month I was broken but I’ve never seen myself so strong. I got to know that I have the power to change my story. I’m still in the process with God of course. Thanks for sharing this beautiful write up of encouragement. God bless you Mama.
I have never doubted you for a single day. You are the strongest person I know. And to see you achieve your dreams and break barriers even with the odds stacked against you have made me so proud of you. Your gratitude has just opened more doors for you. Keep winning girl. Love xoxo ❤
Nice piece Chika. We should always be grateful and not only in November 😂. Well I’m grateful to God for life.
Thank you Bright. Many blessings to you in the remaining part of the year. Hugs xoxo
I am grateful for this year 2020! All thru the storms and negativity I can shout I AM BLESSED truly cos it showed that this little life of mine really belongs to God! I’m especially grateful for November likewise cos I experienced a health miracle first hand so yes I know what it means to be in good health and it can never be overrated 😔😔😔😔! So this is my way of saying Thank you Lord!!!
Wow!! This is a big testimony. I can’t even imagine your excitement right now. Thank you God on behalf of Ivy. We are grateful. I cannot wait to see the more blessings December has in store for you. This is just the beginning. Thank you for stopping by. Love and hugs xoxo ❤
This is so beautiful Chi.
Grateful for the thanksgiving in your life
so happy for you.
I am grateful for life and for people like you
I am grateful for life,marital bliss,peace,gift of salvation amongst several other things..Gods love for us is much..