“Grow up Ken” Angela yelled
“How Angela? My parents died without really helping me grow so how am I supposed to grow up”. He growled back
Angela walked away fed up with his attitude.

On Sunday I saw Kirk Franklin’s post on IG and it hit a cord.

He celebrated not the woman who gave birth to him but the woman who gave him his name and brought hope into his life because his birth mother abandoned him.
You’re crying that your parents made your life empty because they died and left you. But what if you were abandoned by their very own hands, rejected and cast aside like a used rag. How would you feel then? Would your pain not be more unbearable?
Think about that.
That was Kirk’s story, yet what is more amazing is that looking at him now, one would never believe him to be the same boy who slept at the trunk of a car. The same person who was abandoned. What you’d see now is a Man as big as God. Untouchable and Unbreakable.
If he wanted he could have bowed to his pain and sorrows instead he let that pain be the motivation for his success.
Some of you are quick to replay the sad story every second of the day. You seek people’s sympathy hoping they would cut you some slack because of your predicament.
Aunty, we are tired of hearing it
Uncle, we are tired of pitying you
We are tired of your excuses
We want to hear about your progress. How do you do that;

Fight every emotion with everything in you. Fight back baby. When a thousand negative words play in your head, counter it with ten thousand positive words from God’s word.
Don’t listen to the weakness in your body. Go out. Stand in the street. Do you see the blind up already working? Do you see little children hawking before sunrise? How many cars can you count driving past you? That should be enough motivation to fight. If they can then you can.

Healing starts from acceptance
Accept that you’ve not properly let go. Accept that you’re failing at progressing. Accept that you’re stuck in one place and need healing. Accept that you are enough. Heal so that you don’t raise a generation of traumatic people. Don’t be a pain in the ass. Don’t let people give up on you, instead show them that you can make progress. Talk to a therapist. Hold someone’s hand. Talk to God. Feel him in his nature and embrace the healing that comes thereafter.

Enough of the sullen face, the back biting, the excuses and pity hunt. It’s time to remind yourself of those dreams you’ve forgotten. Those dreams you lived for before sorrows and pain came into the picture. Go out and take the cool breeze. Call those friends you must have pushed away. Start from the opportunities you see all around you. Take a chance on yourself and truly start living. Live for yourself because you matter.

Are you inspired by this post? Like and Drop a comment. Need help or a listening ear? Send an email. And let’s hold each other’s hand
Fight baby, fight💪💪💪.
No giving up, motivate yourself, you’re enough….
Yes Bright. You are enough. And you’re amazing. Love ❤️xoxo
This is so captivating. Thanks chi
I’m grad Ann. Thanks a bunch. Hugs xoxo
Thanks mams🥰
Thank you too baby. I’m glad you stopped by. Blessings!
Wow… That cool, stop been a pain in the ass, motivate your self by fighting back. That got me mad, dear continue your good work Oluwa is involved
I will because Oluwa is involved 😊. Well done Kingsley. Your dreams are valid.
In the end, whoever we become is the person we chose to be. NOT BECAUSE OF WHAT PUSHED US
Exactly John. The power to choose has and would continue to be in our hand. I’m happy you stopped by. Love ❤️ and hugs xoxo
Dats was really inspiring….
More grace to u Chi….
Wow! Good one my sweetheart.. keep basking,
I’m glad bro. Thank you so much