That faithful day on my way home, all I could think of was just coming home to relax and maybe prepare something quick for dinner because I felt so tired and sore, but that couldn’t just happen. I was met with something that could ruin my perfectly planned evening and leave me more sore than before.
The minute I walked in I was welcomed with piles of ceiling board scattered everywhere. I was glad the repairs we were waiting for was finally done until I realized I’d be the one to clean up all the mess which made me frown. That thought hadn’t sank in when I heard mummy’s voice.
“Drop your bag and quickly dispose those”. She said.
“Dispose what?”, my eyes grew wide the minute I looked and saw how enormous it was, “Jesus! This plenty thing”.I exclaimed.
“Is it this small thing that you’re calling plenty?. She replied staring at me in a typical African mother style.
“But mummy we can give it to the scrap dealers, they’d find it useful”. I suggested still trying to dodge the chore.
“Chika are you listening to yourself ? Have you ever heard of someone using an already used ceiling board? Its as good as useless so you’ll have to throw them away.
“That means I’ll have to use a wheelbarrow”, because I knew there was no way in the world I’d be able to carry them with my tiny hands. I said slowly already dreading the experience.
“Yes. There’s no other way Chika. You can’t avoid pushing the wheelbarrow today, so start now”.She said finally and walked inside. While I stood there dreading my fate, almost near tears.
Where would I start from? How would i carry this all the way to the highway? What if i take the wrong step and the whole thing falls to the ground? I began grumbling and murmuring as I packed them inside the wheelbarrow.
I began to question everything that could go wrong. Automatically my mind saw how big the problem was and blocked every opportunity of ever seeing how little it could turn out to be.
I had accepted to push the wheelbarrow but would I reach my destination? Who knew?

I held the handle firmly and lifted it up ready to move and the weight of the barrow broke my resolve yet again.
I just pushed forward till suddenly the wheelbarrow started making sounds and I almost cried,”Oh God! This too”. I whispered.
Someone even shouted “Chika this your wheelbarrow na case oh”.I almost opened the ground to enter (laughs).
I knew the noise was due to its rusted nuts and being kept for years without been used.
I continued pushing faster and faster and after some time suddenly, the sounds became hilarious, the sounds began forming a ridiculous rhythm.
I was no longer frowning. I started dancing, not only that, I began laughing and humming to the sound it made (it was just so crazy). After that I formed a chorus and started singing and everyone thought I had gone mad. They laughed at me, waved and moved on. It felt nice.
I did that till i saw my neighbor and he was going in the same direction so we walked side by side and engaged in an amazing conversation; reminiscing about my childhood and how I used to sit inside an empty wheelbarrow and tell my uncles (every tall man was an uncle to us) to push me while I jumped inside – laughs.
As a child in the streets, a wheel barrow was like a mini car to me then, and we burst into laughter that before I realized it, i was home.
I couldn’t believe it. I was happy. I leaped for joy at how easy it was. The next question that popped into my head was; why then did I think it was so difficult and so big to carry in the first place?
Because I made my mind to think so. Because my mind thought so, I believed so and acted accordingly.
The only good thing was that I didn’t ignore it. I did not run away like I wanted to. I did not procrastinate. I faced it head on. I pushed and I conquered. If I had looked away, if I hadn’t said yes, I wouldn’t have realized that I could do it and that it was not as difficult as it presented itself to be.
Whether we like it or not problems would always be there. Resistant forces there to prevent you from successfully completing your goal. The reason why we hate them is because they make things so difficult. They get in the way of our plans. But like what you just read from the story. Don’t run. They can be conquered and you can’t know that until you walk through it.

While you walk through it have fun in the process.
Just like I had fun laughing at my silliness and singing together with my wheelbarrow. Have fun as you climb that mountain because a mountain that is easy to walk up is not fun to climb.
Enjoy the challenge
Whether its business, marriage, relationship or health challenge, bring God into it and you’ll find joy in the success.
“Nothing in life is really fun unless you have something to laugh about”
How has this story related to you? What decision would you make after reading this story? I would love to hear from you. Let’s talk in the comment section. Love and hugs ❤ xoxo.
The story portrays a constant in life;challenges which are inevitable. Hence, look beyond the challenges to the possible light at the end of the tunnel having your focus,self will and determination as tools to push your and enable you rise above any challenge not forgetting that “where there is a will, there is always going to be a way”.
Beautiful one Aida. Wow! You really brought a whole new light to the story. Thank you for stopping by.
Well I think we can make the most of any situation that presents itself to us, whether or not it’s an unfavorable situation…. Nice one Chiq
Very true indeed. Thank you for always been here. Hugs 🤗
Nice write up nnem..(my is always different) Even as our government pushes the wheel borrow of Covid419 that is rusty with lies we should have fun as Chi did by washing our hands and avoid crowded areas…
Papilo was here
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Why so funny? Please stay safe. Thank you for reading.