The side look of “You’re handsome”

Today’s post is an extension of yesterday’s post. That you’re still here again means you’re awesome.

It was a very busy day at the office that day, i was over seeing the accounts while my boss was going through our customers details. It was at that time they walked in; My client and his wife. I was more familiar with the husband and less familiar with the wife.
“Hello sir, welcome”. I greeted.

“Thank you. Good afternoon”. He answered.

“Hi ma, hope you received our text message?” I asked.

“Oh. Yes i did, didn’t realize it was from you guys. Thank you”. She said in gratitude.

“You’re welcome”. I replied.

“Okay lets see what we can come up for you”, we began brainstorming for ideas and when we stood up to organize all the items we finalized on, that was when i saw what he looked like. And my mouth gave me away.

“By the way sir, you look cool in style and really amazing’, the wife turned and looked at me, my colleagues turned to this direction and smiled, ‘And for your age its very admirable. Well done sir”. I finally added smiling sheepishly.

“Wow! This girl you’re so funny. Thank you so much. I hope we’ll get a huge discount today”. He said smiling, while we all laughed and continued working.

After they left, the look on my bosses face told me she had something on her mind;

“Chika did you see how that man’s wife was looking at you, this girl, one day your mouth will put you in trouble”, she shook her head sideways, ”let the woman not think that you want to snatch her husband oh”. She added finally.

“For what? If she’s having negative thoughts, then that’s her business. She should be happy I’m appreciating her husband”. I said and walked away nonchalantly. The person i complimented was happy, i the complementer was happy and that was all that mattered.

The thought that i did something good didn’t waver, but the thought that i may have made someone think badly of me, or may have made them see me in a different light made it less appealing.

I had to ask this question to few people around me; Is it appropriate to compliment a person in the presence of their spouse or date? And here are their responses:

For me this is relative. If I know the couples I would compliment the person in front of his/her spouse. If I don’t know the couples, I may or may not compliment or I may compliment them both. I would do this because now there is a third person involved who is emotionally attached & I don’t want to cause any unnecessary issue or trigger any suggestions because of my compliment.


Yes anyone can. I don’t see anything wrong with it.


I would say; Thread with caution.

Because i may see it as disrespectful
If my lady is there, even if she is okay with it I will use my head to tell the other person that there are boundaries.
She’ll feel respected.
Because sometimes people can overdo and others can take it wrongly when they feel you have said what they wish they told their spouse.


I would say. This is for the bold. If you’re bold enough to do it. Than go for it. An honest compliment is never a wrong thing. You never can tell they may appreciate each other more, when is stranger is seeing something good in the person besides them.


I would also love to hear your responses on this matter. I’ll be in the comment section.


  1. Oh My God!!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    So you really did compliment her husband in her presence???

    Chika oooπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    A question is coming to my head now – Put yourself in the wife shoes, now a beautiful lady like yourself compliments your husband using such words like you used, how would you respond to it Chika?

    • πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ you’ve literally cracked me up with your exclamation Banjhie.

      Now to the question you asked me. Truthfully i think my reply would be

      “Yeah he is actually handsome but please don’t let his head burst open”. And even joke about it.

      I compliment a lot and i love receiving it in return. So from my point i won’t react negatively, because i relate with compliments personally. I may probably react when the girl starts drooling or winking or even trying to seek for my husband’s attention. Because that’s a harmful compliment with a bad motive. And that may make me do the needful.

      • Oh alright this is awesomeπŸ’―
        It takes someone who is really self secured to do what you just saidπŸ‘Œ

        That’s a great oneπŸ‘

  2. Bright Duweni

    There is absolutely nothing wrong complimenting someone in the presence of his or her spouse, it’s just a wrong mindset that most people (particularly women) have that one has ulterior motives whenever he/she compliments another person’s spouse.

    • You have a point Bright. And its possible that this mindset is coming from their insecurities. Love & hugs

  3. Ann

    I can’t stop laughing over and over again..
    I can firmly recall that day,
    I saw her smiling as she said sheeplessly,
    I wondered if she was alright, but I then realized
    The wife was right there staring at her in regret that she choosed to shop with us. and up till date, haven’t set my eyes on those couples.
    To me… I see nothing wrong with that, but complimenting the wife too at the moment will cease the spirit of doubts and I believe she would appreciate you as well.
    So I think, in my point of view… U should have complimented the couple.

    • Gosh! Ann, you remember vividly.πŸ˜‚

      Okay. I understand your point view. I would have taken note of the timing, and would have probably complimented the both of them. It would have been less suspicious.

      Anyways, my intention was pure.

      Thanks. Love & hugs 😍

    • Exactly complimenting them as a couple would have made it a whole lot more neutral & the wife would have probably not reacted the way she did.

  4. Success

    Hello,am really falling in love with your blog.Personally I love compliments and I love to give and receive compliments but sometimes people respond shocked, surprised,excited…
    On this issue it safer to compliment both spouse cause some people are very insecure..πŸ’žπŸ’ž

    • Aww. Thank you so much for your time and kind words.

      Your input on this would have been the safest way of complimenting in this issue. But its alright. Now i know because of you and some other readers. Love and Hugs xox ❀

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